In Summary 

The main purpose of the following texts is summarizing the most important things about the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ, locating it in its origins, its past, its present time, its future, its purposes, such and like it is presented to those who come here, knock the door and then request to be admitted in the Temple. 

The Temple Order, Past, Present and Future 

Founded June 12, 1,118 in the Castle of Arginy by Hugues of Payns and eight partners, by initiative of Bernard de Fontaine, called of Clairvaux (Saint Bernard), it is clarified in Holy Land and in Europe the Militia of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Salomon, in the combats and in the civil peace of our commanderies, for the glory of God.

Our motto was and continues being "Non nobis Domine, non nobis Sed, nomini tuo da gloriam" (Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory (1), summarized in "nothing for ourself") 

The Iniquity 

October 13, 1307 at 5 o’clock in the morning, the secular arm of the King of France, called Phillipe "The Beautiful", falls over the commanderies of the Temple Order in France. The history told us about seven years of a monstrous process of confessions without proofs, retractions, privations of sacraments, tortures, scandals, falsifications, plunderings and slaughters, and the final dispersion. 

April 3, 1312,  in the Council of Vienne, Bertrand of Got, Pope manufactured by Phillipe The Beautiful under the name: Clement V, produced in a Bula the dissolution of the Order "by provision" but not its sentence (for lack of enough proofs that until nowadays they continue without being contributed) neither its excommunion; Their goods were given to the knights of the Order of Saint John of the Hospital, called "of Malta" In any case, the precious "deposits " of the Temple Order, already had been placed in safe place for the times that were to come of the Resurgence. 

In this way, the tragic iniquity that sealed the confussion between the Authority and the Power, will have, until our days and more than ever, incalculable consequences in the history of the peoples and nations. 

For surprising that seems, some Order dignitaries knew that they will have to suffer as the Divine Master. Also for design, before expiring in the flames of their bonfire on the “Jews’ Island”, March 18, 1314 at the 17 hours, Jacques of Molay, twentieth second Grand Master, summoned before the Tribunal of God to his executioners: The Pope, the King and Nogaret, the Guardian of the Seals. The three perished tragically before being turned one year. Marigny would follow them soon after. 

The Transmission 

The absolutely search for the "links" that lack in their historical transmission from 1,314 until our days, would be to stray. The dispersed medieval Order didn't have in successive years any organic manifestation as such. 

Who seek the opposite lie or make a mistake, although it is true that their memory and their teachings fecundated, during a lot of time and until our days, enough ideas and actions ways.

If the apparental and physical structure of the Order was destroyed, was never broken the line of its mission in spite of its concealment.

It belongs to the Order - and just to it - to raise the veil of mystery that surrounded it and surrounds it. The initiative of their appear or disappear, in any time and in any way  - in spite of the historical appearances - it doesn't correspond to any of mankind ways, no matter how much illustrious can be the person. This initiative constitutes patrimony of the Providence showing explicitly, the same as the incoming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in the day of Pentecost, June 12, 35 of our era. 

There is the famous "secret". The answer to those "mysteries", far away from all allegory,  is truly in the Source, in the Heaven. And the Heaven is, for the templars, a substantial reality, not a superstition, neither a ghost of the imagination, neither a rational speculation. 

The "Word" has never been really lost for the Order. In the darkness as in the light, never had ceased of nurturing it to its way. 

That means as the Christ, its Master, from which is his Militia, the Order doesn't have "to inherit" what is its for essence, since possesses it in property, completely and for all the eternity.

It is necessary to be blind, voluntarily or not, to imagine that the Spirit, with its power, is transmitted as a family inheritance. Who just trust in a material criterion of what they call "proofs", they make it for lack of another reference. Truly, there are other signs. 

The Eternal Temple

The Templar Adventure in medieval times and the returning of the Order in our time, can be understood just locating it in its fundamental mark: the action of the Eternal Temple through the time and the space, for the assumption of the human condition and the preparation of the Glorious Christ's return according to the designs of the Providence.

That means that the Order has existed in very distant times and before even that its officiants celebrate the cult of "who have to come." 

In this sense, Adam, later Noah, Abraham, Moses and their partners were the firsts successive historical expressions.

One century before the birth of Jesus, the Order of the Light’s Sons, the essenians,  was another expression, preparing with John the Baptist (the Precursor)  the coming of Christ. Then the Cenacle of the Apostles. At the beginning of the century VIII, the Chivalry of the Round Table, in the Search of the Grail, in the Celtic Britain, it would be a resurgence, etc... 

Traditional Society of Transit 

The deep originality of the Temple Order, in its diverse manifestations, is that, servant of God and  the Universal Human, appear in the world for a determined time, in key dates and for a precise mission, like through those "arrows" for which the Heaven acts on the earth, just as the alchemist on the "compost." 

Then, the Order is a Traditional Society of Transit with limited purposes in time and in space, according to the spirit of its motto. After that the Order disappears, leaving the humankind its responsibilities (the humankind is not more than a masterpiece in danger), and means to defend itself, and the memory of one Adventure incomplete and inexplicable in appearance. Later, when it must do it, it returns to continue its Plan. 

The Temple Order in the XXI Century 

Today, in the world, numerous organizations that claim to be of theTemple proliferate. Others will arise as poisonous mushrooms after the storm.  

But it is for the fruits for those that you identify the tree. And the flats, with more reason the sharps, are not the exact musical note. 

The Order is for spiritual "filiation" (not verbal, nor intellectual) the Order of the Templar Chivalry in its lasting soul and figure and in its historical way is adapted to the conditions of the modern times.

The Order doesn’t exist to revive the past, but confronting the Search of the future, beginning here and now.

From the exterior you cannot apprehend of its but that their bark, not their marrow.

It is SOVEREIGN, because being completely to the service of  the TOTALITY, It cannot nor knows how to be depending of the parts. It is not under any existent organism in the world. Their mission depends on the Providence.

It is ORDER, since it is structured and hierarchized according to the same Laws of the Cosmos that are, number, weight, measure, colors and harmony.

It is of the TEMPLE, because it is fundamentally RELIGIOUS, since it would not be itself and it would renounce of their own essence if doesn't recognize the mystical ties that sustain and unify all being and all thing on the plains of the body, of the soul and of the spirit, visible and invisible, without whom nor the world would exist.

It belongs to the CHRIST, to DIFFER and make distance of any other thing that can be attributed to it. The TEMPLE ORDER, THE CHRIST ORDER.

How is the Templar in the XXI Century? 

By nature “templar” is all man or woman of good will that manifests their cristic faith concretely, conscious or not, on the plains of the body, of the soul and of the spirit, be in community, be alone; because first of all the Temple is a "spirit status."

Templars, revealed or not, they are in all the religions, in all the movements, the governments, the media, in the whole planet. Because all Templars "past, present and futures" are "ONE with the Order, in the time and in the space", in this world and others.

They are particularly in certain religious or chivalrous orders, waiting the moment for revealing themselves if it is necessary.

There are some people that have adhered to the Order, others that will come to her and other still that they will never do it but that they serve usefully to their design, discreet or openly.

Candidacy Conditions

All man or woman, whichever are their nationality and professional or social origin, their confession or their belief (including Jews and Muslims),  can be candidates, from the moment in that they recognize the cristic reality and be baptized or accept to be it. They are not requested that apostatizes their faith but rather on the contrary way that deepens in their faith.

The Order doesn't look for quantity of people. We don’t give, in exchange for money,  resonant titles, neither illuminated parchments, neither shoody badges. The power, the fame, the personal fortune, are never taken in consideration when it is to enter in their lines.

The recruitment is for co-optación. 

The Order expects from its members that give testimony with their behavior. It requests from  them efforts and sacrifices, particularly the one of contributing - as every cell for the alive body to which belongs - to its material existence, sanctifying the extracted resources of the existence, to God. 

Men can enter in the Order starting from 30 years old.  

The Order accepts women starting from 20 years old. 

Those younger than these ages, the future Templars, belongs to a lay seminar in which men enter starting from 20 years old, as well as some women, in spite of having this age,  it is considered convenient that are in the seminar for some time. 

The children and adolescents, boys and girls, groups in units of "scouters", starting from 7 years old.

Organization in the Order

The Order is constituted by Lands, placed under the responsibility of Preceptors.

Associated to the Order are diverse satellite organizations. 

All candidate should have a godfather who is a member of the Order. When a Templar Knight will accept this true responsibility, makes him take CONSCIENCE of his godson and commits him before the brotherhood and before God, on the three plains.

The Temple Order is iniciatic. It don't promise "magical powers" neither offers “flea market occultisms”. It proposes the Path of the Search, arduous, full of traps and possible falls, but, with price of efforts, full with revelations and luminous discoveries. It opens the noble and extraordinary Adventure of the Divine Re-encounter.

The Order is guided by the Great Master attended by several colleged cenacles.

The Great Master, representative of Authority of the Order applies for the instances of Power, the politics and general orientations of the life and activity of the Order.

All member of the Order, whichever could be their grade, their function, and even its dignity, owes him respect and obedience.

In case of dead of Great Master for any reason, the Rule foresee his immediate substitute and replacement.

Being in the Order

All accepted candidates are received as SERVANTS. It doesn’t care what have been or do until that moment. For them the most important thing will be to SERVE. For these fruits the tree is recognized.

The Order requests them to try to accord to its rules and approaches. Although they don't know it, they will be have occasions to show who are they.

If  SERVANTS overcomes their tests, They are admitted in the grade of SQUIRE, what also implies a higher grade in the rigour of their behavior. Then they will be able to postulate, eventually,  to investiture of KNIGHT that is a definitive and irreversible sacrament. 

Until then, they were in the Order. After then, they will be of the Order, from this moment they will be able to be called to diverse functions and missions and, with the help of the Holy Grace, to dignities, and still to the Templar priesthood if God wants it.

Works in the Order

All brothers and sisters belong to the Order in personal way, not in other way, no matter what could be. Inside the Order, after crossing  the door of the Temple, all the privileges, differences and dignities from the world are setting aside.

The life of the Order is particularly made by the contributions of its members. One enters to give and not to receive. Everything sum a superior value total than the simple addition. This total is equal as the Unit.

As a consequence of this, the Templars doesn't wait anything for them

Their Contribution is double on the three plains of the body, of the soul and of the spirit: 

·        As individual:  

o    For the effort on themselves in all the places, moments and circumstances of their personal, family, social and professional life,  

o    To a better known of themselves, restraining themselves, to constantly overcome themselves.  

o    Prohibiting themselves all definitive opinion about every body or everything.  

o     Accepting questioning the idea about themselves could have.  

o     Thinking about the idea that other people could have about them. 

·      As communitty:

o    In the works for the Order assuming the part that corresponds them, ceremonies and loads from the Order under all their forms, in all the places and moments where and when is ordered. 

o    No matter what has been his life experience, his opinions, his convictions or practice of a belief or of a philosophical or theological idelology - even when he has not anyone -, the most important is: 

o    Their FAITH in Christ and in a transcendent order of everything that exists.

o    Their RESPECT to the laws of the Creation and their desire of deepening in the knowledge, in order to always be adjusted better, to them.  

o    Their SINCERITY in the search of the Ways of the Unity, so much in the personal plain as in the worldwide plain.

Everything  behaves him, by the way  of the INVESTITURE, to pronounce the three VOWS of:

o     POVERTY in spirit.  

o     PURITY that doesn't necessarily mean chastity.  

o     OBEDIENCE that is a freely accepted discipline, a voluntary act based on the TRUST that is one of the manifestations of the FAITH.  

The Order obliges, therefore, to each one: 

o     to Pray.  

o     to Listen.  

o     to Discipline their thought, their language, their expressions.  

o     to Conquer their imperfections, their desires.  

o     to Correct their personal faults.  

o     to Be present in the Order.  

o     to Participate assiduous and actively in its works.  

o     to Live as a templar each instant of his existence.  

o     to Love and serve their fellowman, no matter who will be.  

This is in summary the basic Rule for each one.

All members of the Order must participate in the Service of their Commandery or their Land (If it is no possible, to the religious service of their confession) and go to all convoking the Order are made to them.

The four main festivities of the Order are:

o     Epiphany (January 6)  

o     Easter (From Holy Friday to Resurection Sunday)  

o     Saint John The Baptist (June 24)  

o     Saint Michael (September 29)  

To those festivities can be added other ones (March 18, June 12, Assumption, Saint Bernard, October 13, etc.)

Contribution for the Material Life of the Order

Members of the Temple Order live and act knowing that each one, here below, is just the receiver of material and spiritual goods that are loaned to everybody, that means, inherited from the precedent generations or that the Providence gives us so that we conquer them with sweat of our face, Nothing for ourself (NON NOBIS), but for the best of the humankind, for the glory of God.

Having the body of the Order their loads and necessities, members of the Temple Order are called to contribute in function of their revenues, in a growing way with their progression in the Order.

Anyway, it is always praiseworthy that Templars, if they can and want, make a supplementary effort. 

If for the humankind of the present time - and therefore for a Templar - this contribution constitutes - and really! - a sacrifice, Templars make an act of love only measurable to their taking of conscience and their generosity.

Goods from the Order, as those that have given by its members or maybe from people outside the Order, are totally inalienable from the Community, and in this way they are administered according to the strict Rules of the templar tradition.

The Religious Service of the Temple Order  

The time will come when the Order will open more the doors to its service to all the believers, to all the sincere (searchers), to all the practitioners and non practitioners, perturbed by the convulsions from a world that it has lost its sense and for Churches in those the true Light is extinguished.

The service must be open to everybody who request for it, with the conditions that will be indicated for them.

The Temple Order an the Roman Church

The Order is not a religion. It is THE religion. More than christian is Christic.

That means that the Order comes to “convert" (in the etymological sense), It propose itself as a convergence point, to set aside the formal and theological barriers. The Order doesn't forget that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, Chief of the Church of Saint Peter which is recognized by the Order.

The Order remembers that in medieval times, It depends only on the Pope excluding all other dependence.

For that reason, the Temple Order give to the Pope filial mercy, fraternal deference and "obedience in the way that doesn't contradict the immense hope of a recognition that would erase the iniquitous breakup pronounced in 1,312" that since then it muds the the face of the Church.

Presence and Role of Women in the Order 

As Militia of Christ, the Order respects the Laws of Creation and in the way that God has established them, and in particular the duality principle that says that every piece of work, to be truly complete, needs of the combined intervention from the masculine principle and from the feminine faculty, that means from the complementary polarities without them the balance doesn't exist.

As almost in every religious orders that always had a parallel feminine order, and although the historians seek the opposite (or have read wrong the documents of the Temple), there were women in the medieval Order. They were called "discreet" or "donated". Today they are called "white amazons", although they remain discreet.

As Mary, they have the important task to help to their husband's mission (when they are married), or to the Order (when they are not married). This demands from them a lot of effort, discretion, forget all spectacular behavior, and it doesn't exempt them of effectiveness and responsibilities. But in change, they will also possess the rejoicing. That is the fruit of the respect that the man gives to his wife, since the couple is a alchemic piece of work.

In every woman Mary revives, She is the Earth, the flesh, the universal substance, the Mother from who everything is manifested, without her anything is manifested, who teaches us her maternal dogmas. This is the reason because, every morning, the Templars invokes her with this prayer:

"Let us give thanks to the Virgin Mary, Our Lady., since she is the chief of our Order, because Our Lady was the beginning of our Order, and for her and for her honor it has been the return of our Order, and it will be the end of our lives and the end of our Order, whenever God wants to be in that way". Amen.